Monday 22 July 2024

I've been around computers long enough to remember a time when you had multiple different platforms that all didn't talk to each other or interoperate easily. Try moving a file from a machine running macOS to a DOS/Windows 3.1 machine back in the day and it was a huge hassle even just to get that document off of one system and into another. 

And unfortunately I'm starting to worry about this happening again.

Right now Microsoft is pushing the new Copilot PC's running on the Qualcomm Snapdragon processors. They are touting them as being hugely power efficient and having great performance per-watt compared to stuff on the Intel and AMD side of things. And for most people that may be true, but there's also a pile of software that has problems with running on these systems.

The obvious ones are games, specifically those that include anti-cheat software, and unfortunately that's something that I do like to occasionally use my computer for. 

Wendel at Level1Techs has a great video about this here;

So, as much as I like the feel and design of the new Surface Laptops I'm turned off by the compatibility issues that exist. As a consumer if I am running Windows I shouldn't have to worry about what processor is installed in the dammed thing - the software should just run. 

Personally I would love to see a new entrant into the field for processors. Intel's problems with the 13th and 14th generation processors isn't really inspiring confidence in those systems, and my experience with the AMD laptop I have for work doesn't have me jumping at that platform eagerly, so another platform would be appreciated if it just worked. 

If Microsoft was managing this as well as Apple handled their platform changes I think I would be more interested in purchasing into the platform moving forward, but since that's not the case I think that I may have to look in other directions. 

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